Monday, July 14, 2008

Hamid Albrawn Apologises- No need To.

Hamid Albrawn Apologizes
Question is For What?

  • He apologizes for the fact that he has more hair on his head that brains within. Well maybe we forgive Albrawn. But then again is he trying to depict himself as one of those macho character, like Moose in the Archie Comics? Sorry Sang Botak, that has already been reserved for Mr. Moose. Public opinion does not see you as that kind of person. Without your BN and your police behind you, we do not think you are capable of much.
  • So Albozo, are you trying to apologize for the Traffic Jam...... tak payah, You did the right thing. No big deal for you and your likes, you know what is best for the RAKYAT!
So what if some RAKYAT lost money on a business deal which they were late for, some rakyat suffering from a massive cardiac arrest could not make it to the hospital in time, some peed and pooed in their pants and skirts in the jam. A traffic jam wastes petrol (does not matter, as far as you are concerned, you can claim petrol mileage from the government, and that money comes from the Rakyat.....did I call you theif? ....ooopps!. sorry le, please do not arrest me, Like we the RAKYAT are so scared of you. I probably think we Rakyat have had enough, so stop trying to fool us, we care only laughing at you. Just how far are you going to go????

The list of damages caused by the jam yesterday by you and your government can go on and on.....tak pe le, you are not affected and that is enough ....betul! Poh Dah pund..... !

Can the Government look up the Oxford Dictionary on the meaning of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand and thinks that nobody is observing it. Macam tu le gomen BN. Macam ostrich tunjuk buntut aje kepada Rakyat, ...... so we all say YA Gomen Betul! Hey Botak, u tau makna LOL?


Friday, July 11, 2008

collateral damage

Collateral damage is a legal term in contract, which I came across in my first year in law, at the University of London, back in 1975. It means unexpected damage.
Collateral damage is also a term used in the the present law of Tort. [which is the law of civil wrongs] and is defined as an unexpected damage. {In the present Malaysian Judiciary, its veracity and tenacity as a legal definition depends on who you are representing, "ada connection or tak"!}

Collateral damage is also a military term used by the United States Government, (which originally arose arises within the throes of English Constititional Law). The Yanks use this term to mean, when a cruise missile does not hit it's military target and hits a civilian target, and there is a loss of civilian lives. Or when a bomb released by an aircraft, goes astray and destroys a civilian target killing (a few, or hundreds or thousands of lives).

I left legal practice a few months after a Chief Of The Judiciary, was sacked by a very small man in our Malaysian HISTORY. ( I vaguely remember his height .... it cannot be more than five foot three). As Freud defined that person that small, who has not been brought with ALTRUISTIC love by the PARENTS develops an inferiority complex.

We as the Rakyat of Malaysia, must forgive this little insignificant 'excuse of a similar breed to Marmaduke. He has his own war with the world, and we as the RAKYAT should let him realise his 'dreams'. (championing the ketuanan Melayu to add more and more Petronas revenue to his coffers and or his sons (one of them with a moustache, is sikit cacat ya?) and let us not forget the chronies. . I have so many Malay friends who are still so poor, me and my wife actually support them financially, they have children and we have a son. Like any parent, they want the best for their children we can feel for them, as we feel for our own son, .....we as humans are supposed to feel like that , ya???.

Further he is a member of the medical profession as well, and he can prescribe his own medication....... , he has always prescribed amputation as the general cure for all that is not in line with his 'Dreams'. For instance, he started with Musa, (Musa could mean in Bahasa Malaysia as a deer, or a Prophet.
Despite being caste off by this microscopic rudimentary existence most famously known as 'bapak rasuah malaysia'
Musa lives on in full dignity, his words and views are highly respected not only in Malaysia, but by the whole world! So Musa was not such a deer to be "sembelih" as thought by this 'sang pendek'. Musa's ideals still stands. He is a prophet of equality and fairness . A true Malaysian! Long live Musa Hitam.

We should let psychiatric patients be. We do not really understand his indifference to the righteous world. It can be worrying at times but, in all fairness, he needs to lie down n a comfortable a clinic, often disguised as an office,..........(office of a shrink!) he would be very familiar with the words so drilled into him from childhood.............." are feeling sleepy"....hypnosis does work with humans...... but then again you have to be human to receive the benefits if hypnosis. LONG LIVE MARMADUKE!.
MARMADUKE IS A DOG OF THE BRAHMIN CLASS, The stray dogs they shoot (the Universal Father rest their souls) belong to a class of dogs, known as dogs! The medical fraternity, is in a real limbo as how to classify this semi canine. There is a REAL INFERIORITY complex with this 'kaki pendek', maybe he is of the dashound species, but then again a had dashound when I was al ittle kid...and in those days we called the sausage dogs, and they are indeed very lovable and loyal creatures!
Serious biological research has to be commenced to ascertain and classify this ' short arse's genus'! Here if Petronas money were to be spent to acertain this, then I would say "AYE"

Another very worrying matter for us is....RPK asserts that this person has his gonards and arse on fire (hot pants). Very probably so, this little dude, you know the saying..... that small men have microscopic peni....TERLLLAAMMPPAU PANNAAAS - NEWS RELEASE!
All the material I have read say that size does not matter......or may be it does....???, There is only one person you can ask. But then again with his little puppy's infatuation with the deputy prime minstral....I forget his name, perhaps there are more half blown Mongolian or French or perhaps even 'Mamak' skeletons in the closet (I mean water closet!). We should have a seance to ascertain how many there were.
Perhaps the future of Malaysian leaders depends on the Ouigi Board!
He is after all a hybrid, who chooses to identify himself as a......... ....! using the Federal Constitition as a pretext to champion Malay Rights.

SCREW all these DROPPINGS!. NOW COMING BACK TO COLLATERAL DAMAGE..... my wife and I (we are both vegetarian and practitioners of trying to be friends of the EARTH and NATURE AND REIKI. Our definition of collateral damage is when we cut a tomato for a salad, and we see a couple of its seeds on the chopping board, we reel back in horror, thinking that we have gone too far, we respectfully collect the seeds and try to germinate them, and allow the seeds to fulfill their role and purpose. FOR US THIS IS COLLATERAL DAMAGE! Quite similar to the role of all human beings, it is love which should be behind all all decisions.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


(To belanja him fish head curry with his favourite 'putthu' of course)

Sunday, July 6, 2008



Achtung! WARNING = FISH HEAD CURRY can seriously damage brain cells

This is a urgent warning to all Malaysians. The Ministry of Insanity, Malaysia, have just issued a major health warning to all Malaysians to avoid eating fish head curry.
Recent results of a survey conducted and confirmed by the Ministry's team, have concluded that this dish, contains a deadly pathological toxin known as najibaltanthuC4.

This toxin is known to cause loss of memory and in some cases total loss (diappearance) of the person concerned. It is presumed that it is not contagious, but a recent incident of an ex-cop consuming this dish, caused not only severe loss of memory to the victim and his total disappearance, but the diappearance of his whole family as well!

It is still not sure whether this toxin is biological in origin, which might explain why it can spread to his family. Thus far all control experiments, have only revealed that it is a physical toxin and not a virus.

Many theories are being studied by the Ministry. One fear that keeps surfacing is that the chemical composition of this toxin is bonded very strongly to a very volatile compound known as C4. C4 sometimes can cause a person to vanish, though sometimes, not completely.

The Ministry is seeking urgent international assistance and The Mythbuster team from the Discovery Channel have been engaged. Meanwhile the Royal Malaysian Police have appealed to Interpol.

This Ministry has already sent out a circular to all fish-head curry vendors throughout the nation, to place a government warning at their restaurants.


Therefore, if you really have to eat this dish, only eat at these certified official restaurants. Restaurants that do not display this warning to the letter, have obtained celup punya licence, by paying under the counter, you know la how it works in Malaysia.

Further, the spokesman for the Ministry's grandma advised him to include a further warning to the citizens of Malaysia( Grandma? ya la,... she is quite old but sometimes her advice may have some meaning) , just like older folk say don't eat durian and have alcohol afterwards, She asserts DO NOT EAT FISH-HEAD CURRY WITH A POLICEMAN.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Army catch rally supporters today?

Alamak, the whole rakyat are 'terrified' because, army and police sudah train together to catch us. Haiya! why use rakyat money to catch rakyat.

Got use tank like Tianamen Square one ah?

Or shoot with water canon and M-16 ah?

Or maybe blow us all up with C-4?

Got put us in jail or got kill us?

Really really frighten lah! My father wants to go to the rally today. He is 98 and wears spectacles, would he be blown up with C4???

So frighten lo!

But don worry polis have promised not to misuse power, polis have got good track record. So well don worry la.


Friday, July 4, 2008

I very Malu

hey, true ar our deputy prime minister (notice all written in non-capital letters. I wonder why?), was involved in the Atlantuya murder (sorry spelling got only D minus in college, and notice Atlantu... in capital he he he ) ???

Look like all evidence go under water like submarine! Lucky Malaysia bought diesel submarine and not nuclear. at least little information ada come out and now explode like C4!. What will other countries think of us Malaysians? Tak pe kita semua buat standard practice - which is the present trend - DENY EVERYTHING!......modus operandi of the govern...... sorry le don wan to write after kena sedition act or ISA, defamation suit pun boleh.

Scorpene submarines sebab they run on diesel sikit ada slow. therefore ada blow up, but what about the supersonic Sukhoi fighters, how many more blown up Mongolian skeletons are going to prop up? Long live Genghis Khan.

Royal Commission boleh set up to investigate. Tapi semua witnesses testify 4 words only - " Garbage...I deny everything" ! long live the ostrich hiding its head in the dirt! Apa macam mau investigate???

I have fantastic flash in pan ( hey everybody listen tight this does not always happen) We will have matresses airflown from Paris with semen stains and parade them before the R Commission. Deja vu....something like this happened sometime back....either I was not born then or I was too young.... I forget easily....Whatever? That is the Malaysian thing to do...forget easily...... this together with an ability to deny everything and 'organise' court prceedingss are the main ingredient of our Malaysia Boleh! its what we do best.

Tapi every man is guilty until proven innocent or is it the other way around, I'm not sure anymore. Or does it depend on who is being charged....

With due regards to our right honourary deputy prime Minstral (sorry not good at spelling ), He will be innocent until further proven innocent by our kangaroo ..... oops! sorry our Malaysian judicial system (notice all small letters). So he is INNOCENT , and that is the end of cerita. Better write this and be a true Malaysian. After I also kena sodomy charge.

The Malaysian judiciary, the police and AG semua have the spirit of Malaysia Boleh and they boleh bela the right honourary deputy minstral. After all Malaysia Boleh was so strongly instilled in us, by the person Raja Petra cites as running around with his pants on fire. What is his name la? See like a true Malaysian, very short memory!. Was his name Marmaduke? no can't be I like that cartoon too much. Marmaduke is too cute a name for 'hot pants' but the species is probably the same.

By for now...... I apologise to the right authorities for various crimes committed by me here in this blog. Pleeeaase don't send me to jail, I have four grandmothers, 25 uncles,13 cats, 41 cousins, one dog, three prawns, a hamster, one wife and a kid to look after. And I am the sole bread winner. They all depend on me. And one more thing I promise I do not have any Mongolian girlfriends. Long live the Malaysian Reconstitution....opps sorry le the Malaysian Constitution