Sunday, July 6, 2008

Achtung! WARNING = FISH HEAD CURRY can seriously damage brain cells

This is a urgent warning to all Malaysians. The Ministry of Insanity, Malaysia, have just issued a major health warning to all Malaysians to avoid eating fish head curry.
Recent results of a survey conducted and confirmed by the Ministry's team, have concluded that this dish, contains a deadly pathological toxin known as najibaltanthuC4.

This toxin is known to cause loss of memory and in some cases total loss (diappearance) of the person concerned. It is presumed that it is not contagious, but a recent incident of an ex-cop consuming this dish, caused not only severe loss of memory to the victim and his total disappearance, but the diappearance of his whole family as well!

It is still not sure whether this toxin is biological in origin, which might explain why it can spread to his family. Thus far all control experiments, have only revealed that it is a physical toxin and not a virus.

Many theories are being studied by the Ministry. One fear that keeps surfacing is that the chemical composition of this toxin is bonded very strongly to a very volatile compound known as C4. C4 sometimes can cause a person to vanish, though sometimes, not completely.

The Ministry is seeking urgent international assistance and The Mythbuster team from the Discovery Channel have been engaged. Meanwhile the Royal Malaysian Police have appealed to Interpol.

This Ministry has already sent out a circular to all fish-head curry vendors throughout the nation, to place a government warning at their restaurants.


Therefore, if you really have to eat this dish, only eat at these certified official restaurants. Restaurants that do not display this warning to the letter, have obtained celup punya licence, by paying under the counter, you know la how it works in Malaysia.

Further, the spokesman for the Ministry's grandma advised him to include a further warning to the citizens of Malaysia( Grandma? ya la,... she is quite old but sometimes her advice may have some meaning) , just like older folk say don't eat durian and have alcohol afterwards, She asserts DO NOT EAT FISH-HEAD CURRY WITH A POLICEMAN.

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