Monday, July 14, 2008

Hamid Albrawn Apologises- No need To.

Hamid Albrawn Apologizes
Question is For What?

  • He apologizes for the fact that he has more hair on his head that brains within. Well maybe we forgive Albrawn. But then again is he trying to depict himself as one of those macho character, like Moose in the Archie Comics? Sorry Sang Botak, that has already been reserved for Mr. Moose. Public opinion does not see you as that kind of person. Without your BN and your police behind you, we do not think you are capable of much.
  • So Albozo, are you trying to apologize for the Traffic Jam...... tak payah, You did the right thing. No big deal for you and your likes, you know what is best for the RAKYAT!
So what if some RAKYAT lost money on a business deal which they were late for, some rakyat suffering from a massive cardiac arrest could not make it to the hospital in time, some peed and pooed in their pants and skirts in the jam. A traffic jam wastes petrol (does not matter, as far as you are concerned, you can claim petrol mileage from the government, and that money comes from the Rakyat.....did I call you theif? ....ooopps!. sorry le, please do not arrest me, Like we the RAKYAT are so scared of you. I probably think we Rakyat have had enough, so stop trying to fool us, we care only laughing at you. Just how far are you going to go????

The list of damages caused by the jam yesterday by you and your government can go on and on.....tak pe le, you are not affected and that is enough ....betul! Poh Dah pund..... !

Can the Government look up the Oxford Dictionary on the meaning of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand and thinks that nobody is observing it. Macam tu le gomen BN. Macam ostrich tunjuk buntut aje kepada Rakyat, ...... so we all say YA Gomen Betul! Hey Botak, u tau makna LOL?


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